(WE, I,) call any and all Light Beings of the Highest Vibrational Frequency
to come to the aid and assistance of:
(N A M E H E R E)
We ask for your Divine intervention regarding the request for an exemption from the inoculation into our bodies of the
Covid mRNA Vaccination!
We firmly attest that our bodies are the
Temples of the Holy Spirit!
Corinthians 6:19
We also declare that GOD created our Immune Systems and we will not knowingly introduce an unknown substance that might disrupt this design as we
TRUST the Natural Laws of
We ask that the person of whom would make the final decision on this exemption
do so in our favor and that they be Blessed for doing so!
And so it is!
May the outcome be better than anything
that I could have hoped for or expected!
Thank YOU, Thank YOU, Thank YOU!